
1. Having the lawful and effective enterprise legal person business license or natural persons of good reputation;
2. Having an appropriate self-managed shop of more than 3 years of lease term, or being able to enter a local large-sized professional hardware market;
3. Abiding by laws and disciplines with sincere operation, having no bad operation records;
4. Having good communication and relationship with relevant functioning departments in local governments, enterprises and institutions;
5. Accepting the enterprise operation philosophy of “Yaer Hardware”, having a strong desire of achieving success, professional dedication and effective operation and management competence;
6. Priority will be given to people who have the experience in running the door and window hardware business, plans and determination for sustainable operation and development.
青神县| 无棣县| 固始县| 佳木斯市| 朝阳县| 贡嘎县| 上蔡县| 乡宁县| 永州市| 万荣县| 嘉禾县| 平乡县| 河源市| 太保市| 鹤壁市| 华亭县| 海阳市| 比如县| 林西县| 芦山县| 紫阳县| 兴和县| 上蔡县| 江门市| 策勒县| 枣强县| 苏州市| 六安市| 罗山县| 潮安县| 宜州市| 罗平县| 措勤县| 城步| 平顺县| 汤原县| 安义县| 云阳县| 林芝县| 泽库县| 边坝县|