
In order to enhance the caliber of company personnel, improve the management level of our company and ensure sustainable development of our company, by focusing on carrying forward five working styles and promoting five capabilities, and following the thought of uninterrupted learning and training of all personnel, we have built a modern education and training system suited to the actual situations of our company, improved the incentive and restraint mechanism suitable for the talent growth law, formed a new pattern of talent training featuring various levels, different types, multiple channels and large scale, trained and fostered a team of inter-disciplinary talents who have good political caliber, excellent business competence, strong teamwork cooperation spirit, good working style and image, high innovative spirit, and are capable of coping with complex situations.

In order to enhance the caliber of company personnel, improve the management level of our company and ensure sustainable development of our company, by focusing on carrying forward five working styles and promoting five capabilities, and following the thought of uninterrupted learning and training of all personnel, we have built a modern education and training system suited to the actual situations of our company, improved the incentive and restraint mechanism suitable for the talent growth law, formed a new pattern of talent training featuring various levels, different types, multiple channels and large scale, trained and fostered a team of inter-disciplinary talents who have good political caliber, excellent business competence, strong teamwork cooperation spirit, good working style and image, high innovative spirit, and are capable of coping with complex situations.

彝良县| 宽甸| 崇州市| 邢台县| 巩义市| 南岸区| 宿迁市| 启东市| 镇原县| 微山县| 正宁县| 乐清市| 剑河县| 马鞍山市| 昌都县| 肥西县| 沾益县| 瓦房店市| 英德市| 金昌市| 乌拉特前旗| 北京市| 舒城县| 深圳市| 会泽县| 麦盖提县| 彰武县| 亳州市| 钟祥市| 自治县| 台中市| 枣强县| 托克托县| 东阳市| 金寨县| 周宁县| 铜陵市| 黄山市| 海阳市| 建瓯市| 林口县|